Monday, November 11, 2013

Avon Recordable Christmas Ornament

These ornaments are adorable! I couldn't wait to try them out and my kids were more than happy to oblige. They are so easy to use. Press and hold the microphone button for 6 seconds to record. The beep tells you when to start and when you're done. Then press the play button to listen. Don't like how it turned out? Repeat it until you do.

It's a bit larger than it seems in the catalog. I took the picture next to a Lego minifigure for comparison. It will stand out on a tree, and it also easily stands on it's own.

The kids had a blast. Of course they had more of their own agenda than helping mommy make an Avon video.

We did a few recordings, playing around with  how close, how loud and how quiet. It was so easy to use.  After a few tries, N of course was "Let me do it" and with no extra instruction, was able to do his own version of Jingle Bells.

I honestly think these should be the hottest item this Christmas. At only 9.99 each, they are an inexpensive way to create a totally personalize gift. They are perfect for kids to send to grandparents and other relatives. The same is true for a grandparent to send to their favorite (all) grandchild. And what about to your spouse? One of these used as the gift wrapping with the recording "Marry me" would make for a novel holiday proposal.

There are 4 different versions to choose from. Can't decide? Why not one of each?

Check with your local Avon rep. If you don't have one, you can find me on Facebook and I can help hook you up.

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