Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Parent Perks - Bag Review

As both a sponsor, a best friend of the founder, a blogger and of course an extra pair of hands to pack, I was lucky to be able to get an early Parent Perks bag to take home for review (and use!)

What is Parent Perks? It's the brain child of Monika at Aias dot ca

Parent Perks prepares and distributes gift bags full of fabulous perks for parents. These gift bags are 100% free to parents and contain coupons, gift cards, product samples, and full-sized products from Vancouver and Canadian based businesses.   Products vary from items for kids and babies, to perks that are just for mom and dad. Parents pay zero dollars to get a Parent Perks Gift Bag. Sponsors pay a small fee to participate and have their goodies in the bags.

Others have and continue to do something similar, but she took it to a whole new level. In the past, I've gotten one of those "free for parent bags" and almost all of it was just paper that ended up in recycling. There were a couple of good offers, but most of it was not even worth the time I spent sorting it. I've also paid for bags full of 'surprise' products from multiple companies. Now these, I've mostly liked, but they run about 30 each and even then there was lots I couldn't use.

So I was a bit skeptical when Monika started Parent Perks. But I had also recently launched my Avon Independent Rep business. I wanted in that bag! If it was going to be all junk, I wanted to be the one who stood out. I put together 100 bags with a full sized Avon product, some samples, a business card, an offer code and a flyer. I figured I was rocking it!

Then I went over to help stuff the bags on Sunday. I was blown away.

Fast forward to when I got home and was able to unpack the bag. Check out how much was in the bag!!! And it may not even be complete as there was 1 or 2 sponsors who said their products 'were in the mail'.

For me, this was one of my favorite and shows how serious the sponsors were about the bags. There were 100 handmade greeting cards from Stampin' it Up. There is even a class only a few blocks from me!

This next group contained lots of samples. Almost all of these are new to me and I'm excited to try them out. There was more than 1 pack of Runa tea, Ener-C supplied one of each flavor, and Gardener's Dream also provided several good sized samples. Along with the sample products, most of these included an offer or a discount coupon so once you find a favorite, you can save on your next purchase!

A few Sponsors offered services rather than products, or were larger, heavier products so of course they couldn't include a sample. They did manage some kick ass offers though. There is a coupon for a free David's Tea, a 6 pack of zevia (I'm glad we didn't have to bag full sized of these!), 25% off at Helix Personal Training and more.

Then there was this grouping. These were full sized included products! A bag of Hardbite chips, a full bag of coffee from local roaster Doi Chaang Coffee, Valentine's Day lunch box Lovable Labels, Bamboobino washcloths, candles, scrubbers and more.

I was very impressed. More than impressed. There is very little "just paper" and what there is has a very compelling offer. There were many sample and full sized products. There were no business cards with a candy stuck on as the offer. I think if I added the value of this, it's less than those full sized bundles I paid for, but I will get more value out of it. Also, these are mostly local small sometimes sole proprietorship businesses, not big corporations, looking for an extra buck. 

As a parent who got a bag, I think Parent Perks is an amazing service. As a small business owner, I have high hopes for the marketing outreach. These bags are reaching a target market, mostly parents, all local (bags must be picked up in person). Vancouver is a very expensive city and I can't afford to be at trade shows, but this is something within my reach. How successful remains to be seen. 

This is being cross posted on my other blog And Mommy Makes 3